Iowa State's design, construction and maintenance staff provides students, faculty, staff and visitors with sustainable facilities where they can learn, teach, work and engage with others. This commitment is driven by Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), a system that awards certified buildings with sustainability achievement levels of Silver, Gold and Platinum based on eight categories: location and transportation; sustainable sites; water efficiency; energy and atmosphere; material and resources; indoor environmental quality; innovation; and regional priority. With 23 LEED-certified buildings and counting, Iowa State now claims 49% of all LEED-certified buildings within the state's regent university system. Although not all projects are a candidate for LEED certification, Iowa State incorporates sustainable design and features into all of its construction and renovation endeavors.
In 2012, Iowa State hired a Coordinator of Sustainable Design and Construction to provide additional leadership related to LEED certification. The ongoing work of Planning, Design and Construction, along with maintenance teams employed by Facilities Services, also help ensure that all buildings meet LEED standards. These practices and guidelines include installing cost-saving LED lights, planting "living roofs" that reduce storm water run-off, using recycled-content materials such as carpeting, dry wall, ceiling tile and steel to construct buildings, and ensuring all campus buildings are operated and maintained under a standard campus-wide indoor air quality management system, as well as a green cleaning protocol.
For detailed information about our campus-certified buildings and their environmentally sustainable features, we invite you to explore our dedicated LEED-certified buildings webpage. See the dropdowns below to see how Design, Maintenance and Construction are making an impact within each of the three facets of sustainability. For information, contact the University Architect, Dan Sloan at